The fragrance of oil paint as I open the studio door / Smell of pine upon entering the woods
Crunch of pine needles under foot / Scratching of my stipple brush on canvas
The brilliance of cadmium yellow and orange / leaves of a sugar maple in Fall
Images come to life in paint then vanish with a stroke
Squirrels and birds traveling through / A mushroom appears out of nowhere
Fog settles in glazes of transparent pigment
Cerulean blue / a peek of sky over treetops
Rich smell of earth in early Spring / Muted colors of fallen leaves
Thud of snow from a branch in the quiet snowfall / Enveloped in the solitude of the studio on a holiday
My tube of cadmium red light hits the floor
Taste of new snow / keep paint away from mouth!
Plants and fungi under the surface waiting to burst out in rain and sun
Imagery from my experience of Nature closes the circle
Beauty and joy through all the senses
— Cynthia Frost